Linguation offers technical manual translation in a vast number of language combinations
At Linguation we appreciate that your user manual is an important aspect of your customer service. However simple or sophisticated your product, your user manual should allow your customer to quickly and effectively use your product. If your customer is in any way dissatisfied with your manual quality, they are unlikely to make a repeat purchase. For this reason, your manual needs to be translated to the highest standard to ensure customer satisfaction. You need to communicate with your customer appropriately in target language. Linguation provides technical manual translation in a vast number of language combinations and will always assign a native speaker to your user manual.
Linguation provides technical manual translation in numerous areas
The translation of technical manuals requires technical knowledge and understanding to ensure a high-quality translation. Linguation will only allocate a native speaker translator with the necessary technical background to your technical manual translation. Our translators have the relevant expertise and knowledge of the required key technical terminology and concepts to accurately translate your user manual. At Linguation we have a team of translators across the world with expertise in numerous industrial areas, including consumer electronics, white goods, automobiles, construction, computer hardware and software. As such, we will allocate the most appropriate translator to your technical user manual. Furthermore, a second professional will quality assure your translated manual for accuracy and end-user appropriateness before it is delivered to you.
Linguation offers a bespoke technical manual translation service where required
Linguation can provide translation of your technical manual regardless of length. Simply upload your document and get instant price and delivery information. Should you have an urgent requirement for your technical manual translation, you can contact us around the clock. Linguation operates 24/7 and with our team of translators around the world we can offer overnight or same day translation. With longer documents requiring a tight turnaround, Linguation is able to assign a team of specialist translators to your order. For an urgent technical manual translation with no compromise on quality, contact Linguation today. Linguation would be happy to provide a bespoke technical manual translation service wherever possible.
Quality guarantee for certified translations
- Sworn translators
- Two-stage quality control
- Free editing service
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