Promote your company’s brand with a professional advertising translation

Businesses and large organizations will often utilize marketing communications material to promote their brand image to a large distribution of consumers. Advertising, also referred to as an advertisement, is one such method used to announce a message regarding a company’s services, products, or ideas. Its aim is to generate the interest of the public into purchasing a company’s products, and to leave a lasting positive brand association in the mind of the consumer. Today, advertisements are commonly presented through various mass media outlets such as newspapers, television, radio, websites, and social media platforms. Linguation Online Translation Agency experts are proficient in adapting the contents of any advertising material into a number of desired language combinations. Our marketing experts will work to generate a comprehensive translation of your advertisement that is suitable for use on multiple media outlets.

Advertising translations performed by the experts in the marketing industry

Advertisements are essential to promoting a company’s brand image to consumers around the world and securing the future success of the organization. At Linguation Online Translation Agency, we will delegate a team of experts with the background in marketing to support clients with the translation of their advertisements. Our experts have a full understanding of the specific terms and type of language used in advertising, and will be responsible for adapting its contents in a way that is appealing to its audience. Depending on the platform by which the advertisement will be presented, they will apply the correct requirement standards expected by every media outlet. Our experts are committed to ensuring the successful outcome of your advertisement, and will work to deliver powerful messages that are suited to the requirements of every media platform.

Proven excellence through Linguation’s strict quality assurance measures

All documents undergoing a translation service at Linguation Online Translation Agency will receive the same level of care and consideration when it comes to the final quality of the translation. Our dedicated experts will perform every service with diligence and ensure that the translation is tailored to meet the individual needs of every client. They will always apply Linguation’s two-step quality assurance system to certify that the final translation is: free of errors, all ambiguous statements have been revised, adheres to the correct requirements of its industry, and that the translation is an accurate representation of the source document. Our clients will only receive their translation upon the successful completion of this process. Linguation is committed to delivering translations that will support the client in successfully fulfilling their intended purpose.

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Quality guarantee for certified translations

  • Sworn translators
  • Two-stage quality control
  • Free editing service

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